Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
For 阿泰
那天 我在門口抽煙
然後 你打從我面前經過
或許嫌惡 或許害怕
這一年 我才意識到 我從來沒懂過你
就像一把尖錐 把我拆解
然後用一年的時間 還在拼湊
只是 忘了編號的零件 再也組不回去原來的樣貌
每天 每天 像是例行公事一般
是迷戀? 我也說不清
絕對不是愛 喜歡 也許還尚存一些吧
只是一種關心 一種想知道你好不好的念頭
我欣慰 因為我以為我傷害了你 但你仍然可以感受到愛 且能夠去愛別人
我擔心 因為你的文字透露著埋怨與難過 夾雜一種不被了解的憤怒
你大概也沒預料到我會在門口 抽煙 和 我開始抽煙
是種反射動作 我們都已訓練有素
像是一台sensor 已把對方的殘影建檔
一但接收到影像 馬上垂下眼簾 加快腳步
驚見 裝作不認識 走過 抑或繞道而行
驚見 裝作不認識 走過 抑或繞道而行
驚見 裝作不認識 走過 抑或繞道而行
驚見 裝作不認識 走過 抑或繞道而行
驚見 裝作不認識 走過 抑或繞道而行
驚見 裝作不認識 走過 抑或繞道而行
(驚見 裝作不認識 走過 抑或繞道而行)
但我重複了7次 因為那是你喜歡的數字之一
我多想在下一次 遇見你時
把我的眼簾抬高 凝視 直到看著你走過
然後大聲喊出 你好不好!?
但 我知道我一定不敢
那句 永遠 不 要 出 現 在 我 面 前 依然迴盪在這寢室中
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
A special Sat. night
last Sat. night, I went to TFAM with BABY(that's just her nickname, not my really "baby.") The junior came with me is a innecent girl whose major is theater. She seems to have less interest in love and man, and her point views of life are simple and childlike. I'm really confused how she could survive in the theater college!! No wonder another senior said that she may be agamonogenesis, which means asexual reproduction, and after laying an egg, she must cry out "wow~ that's an egg!!" Due to that, everyone can imagine how innocent she is.
It had been so long since the last time I went to the museum. However, there remains nothing special, and most exhibitions were getting boring. The purpose I went there was just the equirement from my calligraphy class teacher who said that there's a comtemporay calligraphy show held by some alive calligrapphy artists. Following my above opinion: nothing touched me, but there's a solo show on the 1st foor called 蘇新田循環空間繪畫回顧展. Mr. Su who comes from the same hometown with me is a really specific "scholar," and just a scholar. Although his knowlege is very wild which help him a lot develop his creation theory very deeply, all his seems not able to support his theory. Most of them look like similar and without any advenced shift, even developing several decades.
After tiredly went out from the meseum, I rode BABY to the nearby MRT station making sure that she could go home safely. Then, I transfered to another appointment. After lossing a length of time, I final found the 'flying house' where is a tiny dance studio hidden on the Rd. Jilin lane236. There was a special musicale, but I was extremely late so that i missed it. However, I met Shia, an odd but sensible girl. I got the information form her blog and both agreed to attend this special activity. Besides, although she knew that I must be late, she was still waiting there for me.
According to Shia's discription, the mmusicale was interactive. It began with some professional drumming performers, and there were other kinds of simple instruments that every audience could choose and take part in. But most of them were too shy to move on. Shia was the fist volunteer, and her attending warmed up the whole atmosphere. However, she couldn't satisfy with that her behavior just inspired purely folloewers. Therefore, she was very glad of my appearance, because I could always have fun with her, at least not as shy as those people.
Despite of few audience left after the musicale, there cames a little dance party. Without cigarette, alcohol and hit-hop, this party was totally differed with the general club party. Two performers drummed with the stereo playing the new jazz or some special tribal or other country music, such as Hindoo, Fromingo, and others could dance with freedom. In fect, the dance were no one except Shia and me, but I really enjoyed dancing with Shia and fully released myself. Following the music, Shia suggested us to keep close sensing and reactiing each others' movement without touch rather than to use those steps we learned or uesd to do. That was truely fun. It caused me remind one of the activity the performance method teacher used. We were fascinated with our dancing, the drummers and couple of the audience kept their eyes on us with joy. As Shia's words: we are natual high.
Suddenly, Shia told me that judging to my dancing, I must be good at making love, so I responded her that I'm too picky about my fuck body so that I'm still a vergin. After listening, she asked me if she consists with my conditions. Because I knew that she was not kidding, 'not enough!' was my answer. More surprisingly, she was so happy that I'm not limit my fucking right to all the male. She's really odd, isn't she??
We kept dancing until she had to take the last MRT.
Posted by Leslie at 3:47 AM 0 comment tag city animal
再 見玉蘭花
前幾天 我又聞到玉蘭花的味道
和繚繞的線香 對空鳴唱
總會猜想 是哪牌洗髮精的香料
而今 我又突然聞見了玉蘭花
只是 這附近哪裡有玉蘭花??