Are we freak??
Recently, I had little confused about this question. Maybe it makes a great deal with some of my colleague, who comes from Taikung University and works at the same place with me, the consultant center. As the same university identification, he and I are totally different, no mater it reflects on the way we think, the economic perspectives we treat, or... the friends we made. Personally, I have to admit that I might have some good impression on him so that I pay attention. However, the question " why TNUA makes her students freak?? " or " Why her students make TNUA freak?? " really cause me curious.
Basically, every students in TNUA must graduated from senior high schools or at least the similar society, but why they are getting far away with other 'normal' universities' students. Although we have the same ways for fun, such as singing in KTV, hanging out and shopping on streets, holding freshmen camp.....even looking for the one to be our Mr. or Miss right ( well, it is fact that the one we look for almost gay in TNUA, ) it seems to be a huge space between us and other universities. People might think that artists or some who work at art must have unnatural characteristics so that they become those people, but in fact, artists live in the exact world as them, make alive with the same way.
After discussing with Mikey and Suzanne, I confirmed my opinion again. Yes, we are freak!! The reason that makes us abnormal is not only the education and training we received but the characteristics we gifted or we exploited, so it distinguish us from other "normal" people. What mentioned above make us focus on the inner or spiritual conception instead of those outer or practical. However, the inner side we used to dig is tough to face for most people themselves, and have pretended very carefully. Moreover, done more on the inner side is related to be weak at social production and earning live so that the society seems not allowed to contain too many artists...
Besides, if one day, anywhere were full of artists or people like us, how's the world getting to be?? Are most people becoming freak?? Anyway, I'm very glad and proud of being a freak.